Savouring the world: a journey made for and by all!

Every time we taste food or good wine, we train and pursue a unique way of understanding the world, immersing ourselves in the innocence of instinctual knowledge.

This is permitted by our senses, and through this information we can decide which foods to eat and which to avoid, in order to consciously eat better.

Through our palate flows the story of every ingredient, through our nostrils the care and effort involved in the preparation of it: this is the nourishment given by our oldest mother, the earth, but also the gratification of the senses and intellect.

All the ingredients come together at the table, a place of new encounters, of get-togethers and gatherings, both for the senses and the individuals. Tales and life stories are exchanged, as in ancient times, all the while gathered with friends and family, experiencing good flavours in a way to highlight trust.

Educating ourselves in different foods means exercising our sensory skills and expanding them, though the complexity of flavours.

The challenge lays in being able to make the growth experience accessible to all, without dwelling on the less satisfying experiences given by standard tastes.

Nowadays, we know scientifically that pleasure is an emotion that helps to expand our consciousness: this needs to be exercised, in order to form a lasting connection with the outside world.

The ability to understand the many nuances of an oil or wine, of a fragrant bread or a good recipe is the equivalent of a brain exercise, helping to train the senses to interact with each other. This experience is furthered but never replaced by imagination.

Being satisfied with something healthy, recognizing the texture, scent and flavour of genuine foods, free of all concealments, is a commitment and an investment towards building the right balance between man and nature.

We now have great opportunities and more time to enjoy them, in order to savour the essence of the world that is increasingly within everyone’s reach, a journey open to all!

Technology allows us to make the most of these opportunities, with more free time and greater access to knowledge: savouring the essence of the world is becoming increasingly within everyone’s reach, a journey available to all!