Category: Marketing

The role of packaging in the niche sector
of “premium” extra virgin olive oil

When it comes to packaging extra virgin olive oil, the main aim is to protect it from whatever increases its perishability: temperature, and contact with air, light and moisture.  This could be described as the “functional” role of packaging. However, the packaging for an extra virgin oil should also indicate

Savouring the world: a journey made for and by all!

Every time we taste food or good wine, we train and pursue a unique way of understanding the world, immersing ourselves in the innocence of instinctual knowledge. This is permitted by our senses, and through this information we can decide which foods to eat and which to avoid, in order

Quality as an expression of uniqueness

The sensorial facets of a single extra virgin olive oil Under the wider meaning of the concept of “quality” comes the “uniqueness” of an extra virgin olive oil, a characteristic that is associated with the production of extra virgin olive oils of single origin. An extra virgin olive oil is

Oil like wine: not just conformed flavors

In recent years there has been a rapid evolution of eating styles increasingly attentive to the various elements that contribute to defining quality in terms of “uniqueness”: the consumption of products with a substantially homologated taste is increasingly accompanied by that of products with their own pronounced identity.   Some

The role of packaging in the niche sector
of “premium” extra virgin olive oil

When it comes to packaging extra virgin olive oil, the main aim is to protect it from whatever increases its perishability: temperature, and contact with air, light and moisture.  This could be described as the “functional” role of packaging. However, the packaging for an extra virgin oil should also indicate

Savouring the world: a journey made for and by all!

Every time we taste food or good wine, we train and pursue a unique way of understanding the world, immersing ourselves in the innocence of instinctual knowledge. This is permitted by our senses, and through this information we can decide which foods to eat and which to avoid, in order

Quality as an expression of uniqueness

The sensorial facets of a single extra virgin olive oil Under the wider meaning of the concept of “quality” comes the “uniqueness” of an extra virgin olive oil, a characteristic that is associated with the production of extra virgin olive oils of single origin. An extra virgin olive oil is

Oil like wine: not just conformed flavors

In recent years there has been a rapid evolution of eating styles increasingly attentive to the various elements that contribute to defining quality in terms of “uniqueness”: the consumption of products with a substantially homologated taste is increasingly accompanied by that of products with their own pronounced identity.   Some

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