Milan International Olive Oil Award 2024:
PrimOli among the best extra virgin olive oils

At this fifth edition of the Milan International Olive Oil Award (MIOOA), PrimOli was awarded two coveted awards.

IGP Sicilia

Gold tasting cup in the light fruity category

DOP Terra di Bari

Gold tasting cup in the medium  fruity category

The Milan International Olive Oil Award (MIOOA) is a prestigious competition created by the Olio Officina publishing house and focused on finding the best quality extra virgin olive oils from all sides of the globe.

The olive oils were first submitted to a commission of professional tasters from the O.N.A.O.O. (National Organization of Olive Oil Tasters) and subsequently, to a group of Ho.Re.Ca. operators, journalists and consumers for tasting.

The extra virgin olive oil  IGP Sicilia and Dop Terra di Bari di PrimOli, will both be included in the 2025 edition of the Agenda Oliocentrica.